
Hi there!

Thank you for reading this.

I am new to the world of blogging and still trying to find my way around here. So please forgive me if I am about to make all the beginner's mistakes!

I love cooking, cookbooks, food magazines and searching for new recipes. Guess it's kind of an obsession. I have more than 500 cookbooks. And this is even without considering the countless number of cooking magazines in the cupboard. Assuming each book has around 50 recipes (and most of them have substantially more) this leaves me with more than 25000 recipes just in the books. So the cookbooks alone would keep me busy for more than 68 years by cooking one new recipe a day. Not so realistic that I will ever get around to make all those goodies hidden between those book covers since they are competing with an endless number of other recipe sources. Did you know that you can download certain cookbooks on amazon.com for free?

Anyways even though the task at hand sounds quite daunting I decided to give it a go: I will dig into the books (and the other sources) regularly and let you know about the outcomes right here on this blog. I like trying out new things and don't scare away from the unusual. Therefore the recipes you will find here will be a colorful mix from all over the world. Besides cooking my other passion is traveling and even though it's often difficult to recreate the exact dish one ate on vacation at home it's still a fun thing to do to freshen up memories.

Part of the family is Sam my beloved and always hungry four-legged fur baby. I adopted him a couple of years ago from DARG in Hout Bay.

Since I like showing love and appreciation by baking goodies for others Sam is one lucky mutt who gets homemade doggy biscuits and a candle-decorated doggy-suitable cake for adoption day.
He gladly offers to take charge of kitchen leftovers after dinner.

I hope you'll enjoy your trip into my kitchen! Don't hesitate to leave me a note if you want to get in touch...

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